BG3 Script Extender

Baldur’s Gate 3 Script Extender (BG3 Script Extender or BG3SE), developed by Norbyte, is a modding tool that enhances the scripting capabilities within Baldur’s Gate 3, allowing for deeper and more complex modifications to the game. It introduces additional functions such as Lua and Osiris scripting support, which are crucial for creating sophisticated mods that can change gameplay mechanics, add new content, or fix existing issues​​.

The BG3SE functions by providing a layer that directly interacts with the game’s internal functions, enabling mod creators to develop features that weren’t possible in the vanilla version of the game​. For installation, users need to download the file and extract a specific DLL file to their game’s directory​​.

key features of BG3SE

Some of the key features and capabilities that BG3 Script Extender aims to provide include:

  1. Expanded scripting language: The BG3SE introduces additional scripting functions and commands that are not available in the game’s native scripting system, allowing modders to access and manipulate game systems and data in more powerful ways.
  2. Script injection: The tool enables modders to inject their custom scripts into the game’s executable files, allowing their modifications to take effect without the need for modifying the game’s core files directly.
  3. Modding API: BG3SE may provide a modding API (Application Programming Interface) that allows modders to interact with various game systems and data structures more easily, simplifying the process of creating complex mods.
  4. Debugging and development tools: The Script Extender may include tools for debugging and testing custom scripts, making the modding process more efficient and streamlined.

Enabling the Debug Console for Script Extender

Once you have Norbyte’s Baldur’s Gate 3 Script Extender installed, you might want to access the Debug Console either to debug or see if there are any errors occuring during play.

1. First thing you need to do is locate your Baldur’s Gate 3 installation folder. If installed with Steam, it usually is in “{your Steam folder}\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3”

2. Go inside the “bin” folder (ie. “{your Steam folder}\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin”)

3. Look if there is a file named “ScriptExtenderSettings.json” already in there; if not, create one. Then open it

4. Lastly we need to make sure to set the property “CreateConsole” to true. Paste this code in the file:

    "CreateConsole": true

Now next time you open the game, a console window will be opened as well. You can always access this console while the game is opened and see if there are any errors.

Disabling the Debug Console for Script Extender

To disable the Debug Console, you can simply edit the “CreateConsole” value in the file to “false” (as shown below) or simply delete the file if you don’t think you’ll need it anymore.

    "CreateConsole": false